Chapter of Romance

Oh my darling, take my hand
And let’s take a journey into this beautiful night
Espy the perfect moon smiling over you
The curves are all joined, with no trace of a beginning or an end
Baby, Take that moon as the symbol of my love
Count the stars twinkling   gracefully
You can go on counting forever
For every star you count, you are counting a reason why I love you
Feel the silent breezes caressing your fragile body
Believe me, with such softness my lips would find yours
This night might end, when morning breaks in
Yet as long as my heart beats, it will beat only for you

New Gift

A new sun rose over the horizon
a new dawn chorus heard
a new morning of delight towards the end
a new blessing over my head
and a new gift enwrapped in my hands

I shall unwrap it soon
for it cried words of plea
to revel in what it holds
yet my heart fears for what it might hold
I shall await till aurora of right moment

From dawn to dusk
new gift nestled within my palms
unopened but adorned my life
my heart alights on its joys
for I felt it as an eternal gift

But as the new sun bids farewell
an old song of birds heard
an old dusk of rues towards the end
blessings over my head shall fade away
unopened the new gift vanishes into dusk
too late, the right moment never did come.

My Lullaby

Through the silence of midnight, I await for something
for the soothing words to touch my ears once again
to be in your arms, where I belong
Yeah! To complete my dreams too

how I once longed for the moon
just to feel it right in my heart
to escape into a world of euphoria
for only your voice could unlock my heart

Now, I need to hear it right behind me
to let the agony entomb itself
To let my heart unlock it wings
and once again to feel myself

I hear it, my lullaby in the distance
a perfect stranger in your arms
Provoking memories of nights all too long ago
before your heart froze with ice
How I wish to be her

I miss your solacing words
I miss your arms around me
I miss all the beautiful dreams
I miss my love, you
but through the silence I miss my lullaby too much

Moonlight Love

In a moonlit night, walking hand in hand
counting the shining stars, lightening up the dark night sky
gazing at the full moon, evincing their love for each other
with the caressing wind, drifting into a world of their own
Eyes locked, drowning in each other’s soul
no romantic words, yet hearing each other’s pure thoughts
the sound of their heart beat as one, breaking the silence of the night
Under the moonlight, as his mouth covered hers
Immortal they wish to be, to be together forever

Love Hurts

Love, as sweet as honey, when it’s new

Blossoming in your heart, touching your soul in unusual feels

Showering you with joys never been dreamt before

Realizing the emptiness in your life, before the melodies of love

Letting your heart drift away into his body

With the burning desires to be fondled in his arms

Taking his hand with deep trust, never to regret

Envisaging a future enlacing only happiness

Until you open your eyes and see the reality

The castles of love build together vanishing into dusk

As all emotions blend,  doubting between love and lust

Realizing the trap you walked into

Heart –broken, leaving you in a dilemma

Not knowing how to live, for he was your angel

Not wanting to live a life without him, for he is your life

Wishing for eternal rest in your grave

Yet  his memories capturing your thoughts, in every second of your life

Though he left you bruised deep down your soul

Longing to be in his arms again

The poison of love already killing you inside

And vowing to never fall in love again

Irreversible Reason

You spy butterflies in your garden
for the fragrance of fresh blossoms
you spy soaring of birds
for the warmth of the blazing sun
you spy kites against the blue
for the cool breeze caressing your body
you spy wreckages in water
for the angry surging of ocean
you spy cobwebs in cracks
for the beingness of spiders

You spy tears in her eyes
For the pink bundle cradled in her arms
You spy tears in her eyes
For  her lips touching his for last moment
You spy tears in her eyes
For  no shade over her head
You  spy tears in her eyes
For  the meaningful music dawning on her soul
You spy tears in her eyes
For the eternal parting with her ally

You spy the smile on his face
For  espying his angel taking her first steps
You spy the smile on his face
For his lips brushing with hers for the first time
You spy the smile on his face
For  its all success embracing him in life
You spy the smile on his face
For  fulfilling the pending avenge
You spy the smile on his face
For  being the charming prince of  their fantasies

whether butterflies or birds
Whether  kites  or  wreckages
whether  smiles or tears
whether or not you spy
the gospel sure is enclosed within the portrayal
at times revealed  for the better
yet concealed  for the worse
for better or worse all happens in our lives
For the existence of an irreversible reason.

Innocent Being

For once in life, look at the world through a baby’s eye
Let your heart realize your own blindness
Get inspired by his wisdom and innocence
You, easily mesmerized by dazzling beauties
Him, easily drawn to beautiful souls
Black or white his heart never hardens
Rich or poor he reaches out with love and care
Gaining endless joy from simpler things in life
Wealth and dignity worthless in his eyes
Wholeheartedly praising nature and god given gifts
Awe-inspired by this unknown world
An angel, till his life evolves
His thoughts sent astray, from everything that revolves
Your actions leaving stains on his spotless heart
Mercilessly dragging him away from his little world
Parting him from his innocence, joining rest of us in an Unprotected world
Never to hit the right path again
Only your weakness and blindness is to be blamed.

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About Me

What you put down in black and white perfectly reflects your personality ....explore my poems and let your hearts decide what kind of a girl I am!


when you are born, life is a white sheet... with every passing day a new colour blends with the whiteness.. whether you are drawing with colours of joy, agony, love or hatred...... when you die, colourful drawing of yours is enclosed as memories of the living.....